Strommasten in Menschenform: The Land of Giants

Choi+Shine Architects haben sich für einen isländischen Stromnetzbetreiber ganz besondere Strommasten ausgedacht. Ob die Pylonen tatsächlich aufgestellt werden, entscheidet letztendlich Erla Stefánsdóttir, Elfenbeauftragte im Bauamt von Reykjavík.
"This design transforms mundane electrical pylons into statues on the Icelandic landscape by making only small alterations to existing pylon design. Making only minor alterations to well established steel-framed tower design, we have created a series of towers that are powerful, solemn and variable. These iconic pylon-figures will become monuments in the landscape. Seeing the pylon-figures will become an unforgettable experience, elevating the towers to something more than merely a functional design of necessity." The Land of Giants
(via Wired)
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