Neulich haben zwei kanadische Teenager einen Lego-Astronaut per Heliumballon in die Stratosphäre geschickt. Hier ein ähnliches Raumfahrtprogramm aber eine Nummer größer mit einem handelsüblichen Lego Space Shuttle:
My Lego tribute to the end of the space shuttle era. Proving that although retired, this machine can still fly, albeit in toy form. The launch took place from central Germany and reached a max altitude of 35000m. A 1600g meteo balloon filled with helium was used alongside a GoPro Hero, Spot GPS and of course Lego Space Shuttle model 3367. The launch took place on the 31st of December 2011, the equipment was recovered via GPS tracking 240 km S-E from a remote area. I wish to thank Steve Sammartino for the opportunity to do this project and the german airtraffic control for the understanding.