Posts mit dem Label Social Media werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Social Media werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Grandmother Tips Vol. 2

Großmutter ist zurück und hat wieder ein paar gute Ratschläge im Gepäck.

(via electru)

Social Media mit Donuts erklärt

Verfolgt mich seit Tagen über sämtliche Netzwerke hinweg. Social Media and Donuts:
"The giant whiteboard in our creative suite was outdated ... So we decided to make a little chart explaining social media through donuts. We put our minds together and then our creative director, Nuno Gomes, scribbled it out. Doug Ray, a multimedia producer here, snapped a photo with Instagram and posted it on Facebook and Twitter. We had a beer, a good laugh, and went home for the weekend. Since then, nearly 100,000 people have ‘liked’ it on Facebook, and thousands of people have Tweeted about it. We weren’t trying to make anything cute or funny"