Vimeo: #socialmedia (via Just)
ABOVE den Umgang mit Social Media nicht so toll findet, pinselt er in einer fünftägigen Aktion seine Kritik an eine Wand, macht dabei 9000 Fotos, aus denen er ein Stop-Motion-Video bastelt, welches er auf Vimeo lädt, mit der Bitte, seine Botschaft via Social Media zu verbreiten. Konsequent inkonsequent, aber immerhin erkennt er die Ironie. Und wegen dem Rebloggen: Gern geschehen.
People look at me like I’m from another planet
when I tell them I don’t have social media like Facebook, Twitter, or
Instagram. In the eyes of social media I’m severely outdated, lost and
not ‘connected’.
Not partaking in the aforementioned social media makes me an outsider
looking in on how hyper frequent society uses its sacred social media. I
can’t help but observe the people around me who appear to be consumed
and addicted to trying to keep up to speed on their social media pages.
You check your Facebook page while driving. Tweet a message that you
‘just took a shower’. Instagram a photo of your double soy macchiato
with extra foam and so it continues ad infinitum.
I have more questions than I do answers with social media. We live in
a ridiculously hyper fast pace life where information is exchanged so
rapidly that it makes us feel inadequate and drains our attention span.
This painting was executed at the GALORE festival in Copenhagen, Denmark. The painting is a time-lapse composed of over
9,000 photos and painted over a 5-day period. As irony has it this video
will be reblogged and seen on social media outlets the world over.
Please join in and reblog on your facebook and twitter accounts. Enjoy
and try to keep up.