Seattle Gum Wall

Gestern hab ich mir Kaugummi aus der Schuhsohle gekratzt, heute läuft mir mal wieder die Seattle Gum Wall über den Weg. Mal sehen was ich im Feedreader finde, wenn ich das nächste Mal in Hundescheiße latsche ...
"... the Seattle Gum Wall is also one of the most germ infected tourist spot in the world. Located in Post Alley, under Park Place Market, the Gum Wall has its beginning in the early 1990s, when people, irritated that they had to wait in line to get tickets to the theater, stuck chewing gum on the wall. At first, they would use the gum to stick small coins to the wall, but in time, the tradition of the coins disappeared ... Theater attendants scraped the Gum Wall twice, but gave up in 1999, when it became a certified tourist attraction of Seattle ..." The Seattle Gum Wall – A Sticky Attraction
(via Neatorama)
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