Katrin Baumgarten: Disgusting Switch Installation


Ich persönlich würde die gar nicht so ekligen Schalter von Katrin Baumgarten viel lieber in der Elektroabteilung meines Baummarktes statt in einer Kunstaustellung sehen ...
"[This work] consists of a wallinstallation of 14 switches transformed in a disgusting way. Every time a switch is pressed, a virtual light-bulb on a screen is lighting up as a feedback for the test-person. Through its simplicity and its everyday occurrence, the interaction with a switch has been marginalised into subconscious behaviour ... I want to show that people are indeed both repelled and fascinated by the disgusting transformation of the switches. Katrin Baumgarten: Disgusting Switch Installation (inkl. Fotos)
(via Make)
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