Minimalistische Philosophie-Poster

Genis Carreras erklärt komplexe philosophische Theorien mit einfachen Formen und Farben. Design bestimmt das Bewußtsein oder so ...

(via Coudal)

China's "Rat Tribe" von Sim Chi Yin

"China's Rat Tribe" ist ein Foto-Essay von Sim Chi Yin über die Millionen chinesischer Wanderarbeiter in Peking, die der Mieten wegen in kleinen, fensterlosen Kellerräumen leben.
Faced with sky-high property prices, living underground is often the only option for this legion of low-waged migrant workers, who make up one-third of Beijing’s estimated 20 million people. Waiters, karaoke hostesses, hairdressers, chefs, security guards, domestic workers and kitchen helpers, these basement dwellers are the backbone of Beijing’s service industry. But they have been unkindly dubbed the “rat tribe” for making a home in Beijing’s 6,000 basements and air raid shelters -- about one-third of the city’s underground space. They pay monthly rents of 300 to 700 yuan ($50 to $110) for partitioned rooms of seven to eight square meters, or sometimes, a closet-like space barely wider than a single bed. Some 50 to 100 rooms often share a single bathroom and several toilet cubicles. A chilly draft filters through the tunnels, which are also often dank and moldy in the summers ... To me, they tell the broader story of a China on the move, of the world’s biggest tide of migration, and of a generational shift to an urban income and lifestyle. Curious about this underworld, I started photographing it in 2010. If I went into it hoping to document the tough and musty lives these migrants lead, I’ve also been inspired by their spunky fighting spirit and life-affirming aspirations.
(via Framework

The Big Bang von Deborah Bay

Deborah Bay hat für ihre Serie "The Big Bang" auf kugelsicheres Plexiglas schießen lassen und anschließend die durch die Projektile entstanden Strukturen fotografiert. Erinnert ein bisschen an Weltraumnebel und explodierende Galaxien.
From Dirty Harry to Andy Warhol, guns continue to fascinate. From Guns N' Roses to guns and butter, they're potent metaphors in today's pop culture. And what's a gun without a bullet? Taking a cue from the cultural zeitgeist, I began thinking about "The Big Bang" after seeing a sales display of bullet-proof plexiglas that had projectiles embedded in it. The plexiglas captured the fragmentation of the bullets and provided a visual record of the energy released on impact. As I began to explore this concept further, I also was intrigued by the psychological tension created between the jewel-like beauty and the inherent destructiveness of the fragmented projectiles. Many of the images resemble exploding galaxies, and visions of intergalactic bling sublimate the horror of bullets meeting muscle and bone. In fact, Susan Sontag described the camera as "a sublimation of the gun" -- load, aim and shoot. My interest in the project grew out of the pervasiveness of guns as cultural symbols and America's long-held affection for guns as part of the country's heritage. This seems particularly relevant in Texas where it's estimated that there are 51 million firearms -- two guns for every man, woman and child in the state. Professionals in law enforcement at the Public Safety Institute at Houston Community College fired the shots into the plexiglas used in the series. The photographic images were made in the studio -- well after the gunshots were fired.
(via Raw File)

Trashcam Project: Müllcontainer zu Lochkameras

Für das Trashcam Project wurden Müllcontainer zu riesigen Lochkameras umgebaut, mit denen Hamburgs Müllmänner ihre Lieblingsplätze porträtieren sollen. Die Aktion ist nicht auf deren Mist gewachsen und wird von einem professionellen Fotografen unterstützend begleitet, aber ich mag die Idee. Bisher gibts überwiegend die bekannten Ecken Hamburgs zu sehen, mal sehen was noch kommt.
"Hamburg´s garbagemen portrait their city in the Trashcam Project - with their garbage containers. Standard 1.100 litre containers are transformed to giant pinhole cameras. With these cameras the binmen take pictures of their favourite places to show the beauty and the changes of the city they keep clean every day. The Trashcam Project was developed by Christoph Blaschke, Mirko Derpmann, Scholz & Friends Berlin and the Hamburg sanitation department. Special thanks to Hamburg based photographer Matthias Hewing for his professional advice and the challenging lab work with the giant negatives." The Trashcan Project
(via Jeriko)

Das menschliche Kaleidoskop

YouTubeHumanKaleidoscope (via Junkculture)

Ein paar kreative Köpfe aus Holland haben zusammen mit WE ARE Pi ein menschliches Kaleidoskop kreiert. Am besten in Vollbild und HD anschauen.
It's made for TEDxSummit, an unprecedented gathering of TEDx organizers from around the world-- and the video celebrates "the power of x" to multiply great ideas.

Space Shuttle Gigapan-Panorama-Fotos

National Geographic hat Gigapan-Panorama-Fotos vom Innenleben der Discovery, aufgenommen während deren Demontage. Man kann sich im Cockpit verkratze Schrauben-Köpfe anschauen oder prüfen, ob auch das Klo ordentlich geputzt ist. Freund Fischauge da oben ist nicht aus der Galerie, sondern zeigt die Kommandozentrale des Schwesterschiffs Endeavour. Wollte ich aber auch noch unterbringen, der blauen Bildschirme und leuchtenden Knöpfe wegen.

(Foto via APOD)

Happy Birthday David (Prometheus Viral)

YouTubeHappyBirthdayDavid (via F5)

Mein Wunsch fürs restliche Kino-Jahr: dass Ridley Scott sein Alien-Prequel Prometheus nicht vermurkst.

Donald Dogma

YouTubeDonaldDogma (via Seitvertreib)

Donald Duck als Dogma 95-Film. Von der isländischen Comedy-Truppe Midland mit dänischer Wackeldackelkamera gefilmt. Hier noch im Englischen anders lautende Namen:
Gladstone = Gustav Gans
Uncle Scrooge = Onkel Dagobert
The Beagle Boys = Die Panzerknacker
Magica = Gundel Gaukeley

Neulich auf dem Holodeck

Als ob sich beim Coachella nicht schon genug Prominenz das Mic in die Hand drücken würde, lässt man jetzt noch Tote wiederauferstehen. Musikalisch völlig uninteressant aber ich mag, was Okarola daraus gemacht hat. Star Wars gibts beim Einhorn.

Simpsons Couch Gag von Bill Plympton


Da schaue ich nach langer Zeit mal wieder Simpsons (S23E18) und was sehen meine müden Augen: Ein Couch-Gag von Bill Plympton, dessen Mutant Aliens ich noch irgendwo auf VHS rumliegen habe. Achso, noch was: The true location of Springfield is in any state but yours.

Bei Samsung in der Kantine

YouTubeSchneidebrett (via Kotaku)

Jugendknäste in den USA: Juvenile-in-Justice von Richard Ross

Für sein Projekt Juvenile-in-Justice hat der Fotograf Richard Ross 350 Jugendknäste in den USA besucht. Neben den eindrucksvollen wie deprimierenden Fotos in seinem Portfolio gibts über 2000 weitere Aufnahmen auf der gleichnamigen Projektwebseite (von der die Fotos hier stammen), die ein Bewußtsein für die Verhältnisse schaffen und Gegnern des dortigen Jugendstrafrechts als Bildquelle dienen soll.
"Juvenile-In-Justice documents the placement and treatment of American juveniles housed by law in facilities that treat, confine, punish, assist and, occasionally, harm them. The project includes photographs and interviews with over 1,000 juveniles and administrators at 100+ facilities in 30 states in the U.S, as well as facilities in Canada and Mexico. The children’s identities are always concealed, either by photographing them from behind or obscuring their faces. America’s heavy reliance on juvenile incarceration is unique among the developed nations of the world. Approximately 90,000 young people are in detention or correctional facilities every day in the United States. The project documents group homes, police departments, youth correctional facilities, juvenile courtrooms, high schools, shelters, Montessori classrooms, CPS interview rooms, and maximum security lock-down and non-lock-down shelters, to name a few ... Prior to Juvenile-in-Justice, there was no comprehensive directory of images cataloging the American juvenile justice system. This project is now the primary source for these images, all of which are made available to facilities, advocates, and non-profits ... My products are unbiased photographic and textual evidence of a system that houses more than 100,000 kids every day"  
(via Raw File)

Frohe Ostern

(via This Is Not Porn)

Parodien auf Google's Project Glass

YouTubeProjectGlassAds (via Nerdcore

Auf das Promo-Video für die Google-Brille folgen die unvermeidlichen Parodien. Ich hab ein paar gesammelt. Wer noch mehr kennt, gerne in die Kommentare ...

Spongepulp Fictionpants

YouTubeSpongepulpFictionpants (via reddit)

"Mmmm! Goddamn, Jimmie! This is some serious gourmet shit! Usually, me and Vince would be happy with some freeze-dried Taster's Choice right, but he springs this serious GOURMET shit on us! What flavor is this ..."

Tumblr: Texts from Hillary

Texts from Hillary geht gerade in meiner Twitter-Timeline rum. Oben mein Favorit, der unten für alle Fans der meiner Meinung besten Comedy-Serie, die momentan im "Fernsehen" läuft.
(Danke @Anke)

Flux Machine – Animierte Gifs aus historischen Fotos

Kevin J. Weir nimmt Fotos vom Flickr-Stream der Library of Congress und bastelt daraus prima Gifs für sein Tumbleblog Flux Machine.

(via Cartoon Brew)

The Hubos Come Together: Roboter-Band covert Beatles

YouTubeTheHubos (via Doktorsblog)

Wenn die HUBO-Bots mal auf Tour gehen, dann bitte mit den Robo-Quadrocoptern als Support.
The HUBOs are operating autonomously (not human-controlled). Their movements are directed by student-developed software to perform the gestures necessary to produce the appropriate notes and beats as dictated by a musical score. Every sound in the video was performed by the robots. MET-lab student Matthew Prockup created the musical arrangement for drum kit and three "Hubophones", novel percussion instruments designed and constructed by the lab for this performance. HUBO was designed and developed by the Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) Hubo Lab (Dr. Jun Ho Oh, Director) ...

Kuchendiagramme über Kuchen

Mannometa! (Gesamtansicht in groß hier). Taugt nur bedingt als Rezept, hat mich aber gerade auf eine Idee für den nächsten Geburtstagskuchen gebracht ...
A collection of pie charts depicting the ingredients in thirteen delectable pies. Data meets design meets delicious.
(via THD)

Fotos von Clubs am Morgen danach

Prima Idee und tolle Fotos: André Giesemann und Daniel Schulz haben für ihre Serie "Vom Bleiben" Clubs am Morgen nach der Party fotografiert. Ein Kurz-Interview mit den beiden gibts bei Zeit Campus. Das da oben ist der Goldene Pudel, in dem ich mir selbst schon die eine oder andere Nacht um die Ohren geschlagen habe.
“Vom Bleiben“ in collaboration with Daniel Schulz, documents the moment in which the night at the techno club is over and the visitors have left the location. It is the moment in which the traces of the event become visible. The cleaning-lights illuminating the room evoke a sense of awakening in the visitors. When the clubs close at daytime, we enter their rooms and the battlefield that has been left behind. As soon as the last visitors have left and the cleaning-light has been turned on, we start to photographically record the present scene and atmosphere. The moment before everything is put back in order exists only for a short time. Due to the long exposure time technically required, we artificially extend this moment, the time of exposure matching real time. We have set ourselves the task to document the often only temporary existence of techno clubs over a longer period of time. 
(via KFMW)