Ein Roboter-Kurzfilm von Jim Henson aus dem Jahr 1963 für ein Bell Business-Seminar. Heute würde es auf so einer Veranstaltung wohl Powerpoint-Folien hageln. Aus der Videobeschreibung:
"Jim Henson made this film in 1963 for The Bell System. Specifically, it was made for an elite seminar given for business owners, on the then-brand-new topic — Data Communications. The seminar itself involved a lot of films and multimedia presentations, and took place in Chicago ... The organizers of the seminar, Inpro, actually set the tone for the film in a three-page memo from one of Inpro's principals, Ted Mills to Henson. Mills outlined the nascent, but growing relationship between man and machine: a relationship not without tension and resentment: "He [the robot] is sure that All Men Basically Want to Play Golf, and not run businesses — if he can do it better." ... Henson's execution is not only true to Mills' vision, but he also puts his own unique, irreverent spin on the material ..."