Geometrie von Nudeln

Interessanter Ansatz, ein einfaches Gericht zu verkomplizieren: Die New York Times zeigt ein bischen Nudelgeometrie aus dem Buch Pasta by Design von George L. Legrande. Wer die Gleichungen innerhalb der Kochzeit auflöst, darf sich Chefkoch nennen.
Architect George L. Legrande has compiled and profiled 92 different kinds of pasta, classifying them into types using the science of phylogeny (the study of relatedness among natural forms). Opening the book is a pasta family tree, revealing unexpected relationships between pasta shapes, their usage and common DNA. Each subsequent spread is devoted to a single pasta, and features a short text that explains the foods geographical origin, its process of manufacture as well as its etymology alongside suggestions for minute-perfect preparation. Next the pasta shape is rendered as both a mathematical equation and a line diagram that displays every distinctive scrunch, ridge and crimp with loving precision.
(via Flowing Data)
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