Vintage Nerds von Jonathan Viner

Die Reihe Computer Science von Jonathan Viner ist eine Hommage in Öl an die Computer Nerds der 70er und Reminiszenz an seine Kindheit. Ich hätte mir zwar mehr Gemälde wie "Binary Systems" da oben gewünscht, trotzdem gefällt mir die Serie recht gut. Kann aber auch sein, dass das so ein Generationsdings ist. Mehr über die Entstehung kann man bei Beautiful/Decay nachlesen:
As children, Viner and his twin brother spent hours visiting the robotics lab at the New York Institute of Technology, where their father taught and worked. Faded memories of “computer nerds” playing Dungeons and Dragons, sharing ideas, and celebrating on New Year’s Eve came back to him ... Inspired by the stunning impact these unlikely heroes from his childhood have had on the world, Viner began hunting online for class photos of computer science majors from the 1970’s. Those old photos, mined through Google on an iPad, became the starting point for “COMPUTER SCIENCE.” ...
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