Real Life Version von Carl Fredricksens Haus aus Pixars Oben

Nachdem ich mit dem Älteren seinerzeit Pixars Oben geschaut hatte, habe ich auf die Frage, ob so ein Ballon-Haus ala Carl Fredricksen auch in echt funktioniert mit einem klaren "Nein" geantwortet. Hiermit nehme ich alles zurück und behaupte das Gegenteil:
"Yesterday morning, March 5, at dawn, National Geographic Channel and a team of scientists, engineers, and two world-class balloon pilots successfully launched a 16′ X 16′ house 18′ tall with 300 8′ colored weather balloons from a private airfield east of Los Angeles, and set a new world record for the largest balloon cluster flight ever attempted. The entire experimental aircraft was more than 10 stories high, reached an altitude of over 10,000 feet, and flew for approximately one hour.  The filming of the event, from a private airstrip, will be part of a new NGC series called How Hard Can it Be?, which will premiere in fall 2011." Up-Inspired Floating House (14 photos)
(via Mister Honk)
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