Xavier Antin: Just in Time, or A Short History of Production

Xavier Antin hat ein Buch gedruckt, wobei diverse Uralt-Drucker jeweils eine Farbe beigesteuert haben (Mimeograph von 1880 / Matrizendrucker 1923 / Laserdrucker 1969 / Tintenstrahldrucker 1976)
"A book printed through a printing chain made of four desktop printers using four different colors and technologies dated from 1880 to 1976. A production process that brings together small scale and large scale production, two sides of the same history." Just in Time, or A Short History of Production
Interessant: Mein HP-Inkfuck 1610 liefert seit Garantie-Ende das gleiche Druckergebnis ...

(via Beautiful Deccay)
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