Partielle Sonnenfinsternis feat. ISS

Das Hamburger Mistwetter hat mich gestern um die partielle Sonnenfinsternis betrogen. Dafür hat mich aber Thierry Legault mit seinem großartigen Foto einer leicht bedeckten Sonne versöhnt, vor der in der Sekunde der Aufnahme Darth Vader in einem TIE Fighter die Raumstation ISS vorbeifliegt:
"Image of the solar transit of the International Space Station (ISS), taken from the area of Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman on January 4th 2011 at 9:09 UT, during the partial solar eclipse. Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor on EM-10 mount, Canon 5D mark II. 1/5000s exposure at 100 iso. Transit forecast calculated by (many thanks to Arnold Barmettler for his help). Transit duration: 0.86s. ISS distance to observer: 510 km. Speed in orbit: 7.8km/s (28000 km/h or 17000 mph). The image shows three planes in space: the Sun at 150 million km, the Moon at about 400000 km and the ISS at 500 km." TRANSIT OF THE ISS DURING THE SOLAR ECLIPSE OF JANUARY 4 2011 FROM OMAN (inkl. größeres Foto)
Bonus: Einen interessanten Artikel zum Foto gibts bei Bad Astronomy.

(via Mister Honk)
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