Mattia Casalegno hat ein praktisches Device für Stubenhocker entwickelt, mit dem man sich das transzendentale Entspannungserlebnis eines Spaziergangs im Grünen zu Hause auf dem Sofa holen kann. In Künstlersprech liest sich das dann so:
"A sensorial wearable device forcing to smell grass and to hear your own breath. Equipped with fresh sod and headphones, this mask inhibit the visual system while enhancing the olfactory by the proximity with soil. The device defines also a sensory territory constructed by the rhytm of the breath, which is diffused from the headphones with a 1.5 sec. delay. The work plays with the Deleuzian notion of "ritornell" (refrain), and about the quality of sound to define a territory. The space defined by the sound of breathing is in a state of costant imbalance between the physical act and its sensory perception and traces an unstable relationship with the intimate environment the garment reproduces." Mattia Casalegno: The Open(via Animal)