Intelligenter Vorhang von Niklas Roy

YouTubeDirektPrivacy (via Make)

Niklas Roy hat eine Werkstatt in einem ehemaligen Laden mit Schaufenster zur Straße hin. Um etwas mehr Privatsphäre zu haben, hat er sich mit einer Überwachungskamera, einem Laptop und ein wenig anderem Kram einen "schlauen" Vorhang gebastelt:
"The curtain is smaller than the window, but an additional surveillance camera and an old laptop provide it with intelligence: The computer sees the pedestrians and locates them. With a motor attached, it positions the curtain exactly where the pedestrians are ... But in the end, it doesn’t protect my privacy at all. It seems that the existence of my little curtain is leading itself ad absurdum, simply by doing its job very well. My moving curtain attracts the looks of people which usually would never care about my window. It is even the star of the street, now! ... And because of that, it fails." My little piece of Privacy
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