Etsy und NASA Space Craft Contest + Krawatte mit Anleitung für Apollo-Cockpit

Anlässlich des 50-jährigen Jubiläums des Apollo-Programms rufen NASA und Etsy zum Space-Craft-Contest auf, der bis Anfang November läuft:
"If you've ever been inspired by astronauts, black holes and zero gravity, you're in luck! Etsy is partnering with NASA to host an exciting contest. After 50 momentous years and over 130 missions to the cosmos, NASA's Space Shuttle Program will draw to a close in 2011 as it reaches its long-term goal of completing the International Space Station. To honor the program and celebrate its many accomplishments, we're calling for designs inspired by NASA, its programs and the wonders of space exploration. Invigorate your inner maker with all that is known (and unknown) about our universe." NASA & Etsy Space Craft Contest: To the Moon and Beyond
Der Contest lässt sich schon mal vielversprechend mit obenstehender Krawatte an, auf der die Anleitung für das Kontroll-Panel aus dem Apollo-Modul aufgedruckt ist:
We've come upon an incredible repository of vintage declassified documents including NASA's "Command Module Main Control Panel" - from the Apollo Operations Handbook Block II Spacecraft, 1969. One of our most detailed prints yet - enjoy! Apollo cockpit silkscreen
(via Craft)
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