X-Copy Shrine


Keine Ahnung wie viele Stunden meines Lebens ich Comic lesend vor meinem Amiga verbracht habe, monotones Floppy-Klackern als Hintergrundgeräusch und Disketten gewechselt habe, wenn X-Copy danach verlangt hat. Dem populären Kopierprogramm von damals hat jetzt jemand mit dem X-Copy Shrine ein wohlverdientes Denkmal gesetzt und sämtliche Versionen zum legalen Download online gestellt:
"A long time ago, when computers still used floppy disks, there was a need to duplicate the contents of these floppies. X-Copy was one of the most well known disk copying programs for the Commodore Amiga ... The disk images you can find here have been taken from the actual master disks, to preserve the legacy as authentically as possible ... The current copyright owner has graciously allowed the releases to be archived here, as long as they are not sold for any amount of money, or included in any collection/product that is sold for any amount of money."
(via Superlevel)
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