Leckerbissen für alle, die ein Faible für alten Konsolenkram haben: Chris Covell hat ein japanisches Kinderbuch von 1989 über die Herstellung von Famicon-Spiele – in dem u.a. ein junger Shigeru Miyamoto zu sehen ist – übersetzt, gescannt und online gestellt:
"I picked up a children's picture book at the local library recently. Some of you might be thinking, "Why would you take out a Japanese picture book? Are your Japanese language skills that atrophied?" Well, this happened to be a very special book, because it showed kids how Nintendo games are made, from start to finish. With some fantastically juicy pictures! And not only that, the game it focussed on was Super Mario Bros. 3! The book was published in late 1989, based on a tour and interview session at Nintendo of Japan in July of that same year (this will become evident in a later picture). They interview Shigeru Miyamoto, Koji Kondo, all the major players in Nintendo's games. The Stars of Famicom Games – How Video Games are Made
(via albotas)