John Martz hat mal wieder eine schöne Illu zu Per Anhalter durch die Galaxies beim Picture Book Report (15 Grafiker zeichnen Szenen aus ihren Lieblingsbüchern) gepostet, diesmal den Guide selbst:
"It’s difficult to imagine this once-fantastical device without thinking of iPads, iPhones, Kindles, and Wikipedia. And it’s unfortunate that Douglas Adams, a Mac-user and tech nerd, never got to see his vision realized of a handheld device with instant access to endless sources of information. In the book, the device is described has having “about a hundred” tiny buttons, though were it written today, the Guide would surely have a touchscreen. Still, I couldn’t resist making it look like a calculator (and very much like a Kindle) if only to decorate the buttons with an alien alphabet ... This will be my last illustration for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. In creating the series I realized that I didn’t want to illustrate the characters. It’s a book about ideas — science, reason, philosophy, religion — and the characters exist only as vessels for these ideas" It’s a sort of electronic book. It tells you everything you need to know about anything. That’s its job (mit Link zu iPad-Wallpaper, für das man sich alberner Weise bei Flickr eingeloggen muss)Weitere Illustrationen von John Martz: