Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy illustriert von John Martz

John Martz hat mal wieder eine schöne Illu zu Per Anhalter durch die Galaxies beim Picture Book Report (15 Grafiker zeichnen Szenen aus ihren Lieblingsbüchern) gepostet, diesmal den Guide selbst:
"It’s difficult to imagine this once-fantastical device without thinking of iPads, iPhones, Kindles, and Wikipedia. And it’s unfortunate that Douglas Adams, a Mac-user and tech nerd, never got to see his vision realized of a handheld device with instant access to endless sources of information. In the book, the device is described has having “about a hundred” tiny buttons, though were it written today, the Guide would surely have a touchscreen. Still, I couldn’t resist making it look like a calculator (and very much like a Kindle) if only to decorate the buttons with an alien alphabet ... This will be my last illustration for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. In creating the series I realized that I didn’t want to illustrate the characters. It’s a book about ideas — science, reason, philosophy, religion — and the characters exist only as vessels for these ideas" It’s a sort of electronic book. It tells you everything you need to know about anything. That’s its job (mit Link zu iPad-Wallpaper, für das man sich alberner Weise bei Flickr eingeloggen muss)
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