H-Bombs in Outer Space

Sehr interessanter Artikel über einen Wasserstoffbombentest aus dem Jahr 1962, der in ca. 400 Kilometer Höhe über dem Pazifischen Ozean stattgefunden hat:
"The plan was to send rockets hundreds of miles up, higher than the Earth's atmosphere, and then detonate nuclear weapons to see: a) If a bomb's radiation would make it harder to see what was up there (like incoming Russian missiles!); b) If an explosion would do any damage to objects nearby; c) If the Van Allen belts would move a blast down the bands to an earthly target (Moscow! for example); and — most peculiar — d) if a man-made explosion might "alter" the natural shape of the belts ..." A Very Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space (inkl. Video, das sich leider nicht einbinden lässt)
(via io9)
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