Floppy die sich vor Kaffeeüberschwemmungen schützt

Vimeo: The Attenborough Design Group

Wenn es Floppy Legs (ab 0:40 min) für externe Festplatten gäbe, ich würde sofort zugreifen.  Aus der Videobeschreibung:
"The Attenborough Design Group (ADG) is a fictional research group charged with investigating the use of behaviours found in nature to defend emerging technologies ... These products include the Gesundheit Radio, which sneezes periodically to expel potentially damaging dust, Floppy Legs - the portable floppy disk drive which stands up if it detects liquid nearby, and the AntiTouch Lamp, which sways away from you if you get too close to it’s sensitive halogen bulb."
(via core77)
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