Boilerplate soll verfilmt werden

Ich lese gerade, dass Paramount sich die Rechte an Boilerplate gesichert hat und angeblich die Produktionsfirma von J.J. Abrams den Film realisieren soll. Ob das jetzt gute oder eher schlechte Nachrichten sind? Für den Fall, dass es tatsächlich so kommt, drücke ich prophylaktisch beide Daumen, dass der Name von Abrams Produktionsfirma nicht Programm wird ...

Wer Boilerplate nicht kennt, hier ein Auschnitt aus der englischen Wikipedia:
"Boilerplate is a fictional robot of the Victorian era and early 20th century ... Boilerplate originally featured on a website created by Paul Guinan in 2000 as an online pitch for a graphic novel. The Boilerplate site details the history of a remarkable robot built in the late 19th century, and features photoshopped "archival images" in which Boilerplate (actually a 12-inch articulated model) is seen interacting with historical figures, such as Teddy Roosevelt and Pancho Villa. Becoming aware that some visitors to the site were taken in by its contents, making it an unintentional hoax, Guinan resolved to see how authentic he could make the character seem, working to ensure the descriptions of non-fictional events were accurate ..."
Graphic Novel bei Amazon: Boilerplate: History's Mechanical Marvel
Die offizielle Webseite von Boilerplate

(Verfilmungsnachricht via Gamma Squad
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