Phone Guitar aus 4 Smartphones und einem iPod touch


Den Hightech-Krempel erst aufwändig einzeln zu programmieren, und anschließend an einen schäbigen Stock und einen billigen Lautsprecher zu pappen ist fast schon ein bisschen Punk:
"Who said iPhone OS, Android and Windows Mobile don't play well together? [...] The Phone Guitar is born out of a presentation I'm going to do [...] about mobile cross development [...] I decided to create the same mobile app - a small piano/drum sequencer thing - on 3 mobile platforms: Android, Windows Mobile and iPhone OS [...] To play them all at once I just taped them on a piece of wood together with a battery powered speaker. Add lots of audio cables and TADAAA: a very playable guitar shaped instrument that makes a hell of a noise" Steffest Digitale Pulptuur: Cracklin Rosie on a Whole Lotta Mobile Phones
(via Make)
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