Ist ja irre – Kim Jong-il auf Entdeckungstour

Diktator müsste ich sein: Dann könnte ich den lieben langen Tag Filme schauen, mit roten Plastik-Eimerchen und Atombomben spielen und dabei ein cooles 80er-Jahre-Outfit tragen:
"North Korea's state-run (and only) news agency, sporadically releases photos of reclusive 69-year-old leader Kim Jong-il as he makes "on-the-spot" guidance visits. Kim Jong-il, continuing a practice begun by his father, Kim Il-sung, makes these visits to factories and facilities throughout the country, purportedly to offer his personal guidance. Followed by army officers, security personnel and plant managers - most carrying pencils and notepads to record the guidance of "Dear Leader" - he examines, listens, gives a talk, poses, then moves on, entourage in tow." The Big Picture: On the Spot with Kim Jong-il (31 Fotos)
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