James Dean als Stilikone

Nach dem Rebel Without a Cause-Posting und der Porsche 550 Spyder-Story gibts bei The Selvedge Yard mal wieder James Dean-Content. Diesmal gehts um seine Rolle als Stilikone:
"The irony is that James Dean was considered anything but stylish by many of his Hollywood peers of the day. He turned heads and created a legend, not by dressing up– but by dressing down. Established style icon Humphrey Bogart looked down his nose at Dean, considering him a punk and a slob. On Jimmy’s passing, Bogart had this to say– “Dean died at just the right time. He left behind a legend. If he’d lived, he’d never have been able to live up to the publicity.” ... James Dean cemented the rebel uniform for his generation of youth, and for many to come, through his very personal portrayal of Jim Stark in Rebel Without a Cause. Immortalized onscreen in Technicolor wearing the now iconic red jacket, white tee, Lee 101 Jeans, and engineer boots, Dean seemed to hold the world breathless, and became the first actor to speak for the silent anguished teen– he gave them a voice they had been lacking ..." JAMES DEAN CULTURAL GIANT OF THE REBEL SET
Filmfreunde erfahren in dem Artikel nicht unbedingt was Neues, aber es geht ja sowie mehr um die Fotos  ...
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